Todd Hawkins Memorial Bones Tournament

Get Ready to Begin our application process

T-T-T-Today Junior!

the humble beginnings…….

It all started at the annual Clymont Bunnock Tournament, where a group of friends got together to conquer all who entered………………

It didn’t turn out quite the way they expected, but it was fun, and it did launch a dream. A dream where we could play this fun game with people more on our level, people we could beat!


It has changed over the years to become the Todd Hawkins Memorial Bones Tournament. It will change again this year, to open up to more teams and to recognize a charity that was near and dear to Todd’s heart.

previous winners…………………….

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

Do we need bones experience?

Hell no. We’ll tell you everything you need to know. Well, maybe not everything, and not for free – you know, we don’t want to give away all our secrets – but we do take bribes!

Is this a dry event?

Bahahahahaha – that’s hilarious!

Can we stay overnight?

Ummmm, YES! Bring a tent, trailer, or crash on the couch. No drinking and driving – plus, late at night is when we have all our best ideas!

Do we need our own bones?

Nope, we will supply, because if you have your own it probably means you shouldn’t be playing in our tournament.

What does one wear to play bones?

Team costumes are highly encouraged!

Tournament Rules

Don’t be a dick!

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